A realistic glimpse into the daily lives of the officers and detectives at an urban police station.
The history of hill street: part one
The history of hill street: part two
Interview: benedetto and buntz
Interview: lt. howard hunter
Interview: belker unleashed
Interview: a cowboy on the hill
Interview: confessions of captain freedom
Writers on the hill
Roll call: looking back on hill street blues
Gag reel
Hill street station
Presidential fever
Politics as usual
Can world war iii be an attitude?
Double jeopardy
Film at eleven
Choice cut
Up in arms
Your kind, my kind, humankind
Life, death, eternity
I never promised you a rose, marvin
Fecund hand rose
Rites of spring (1)
Rites of spring (2)
Jungle madness (1)
Jungle madness (2)
Hearts and minds
Blood money
The last white man on east ferry avenue
The second oldest profession
Fruits of the poisonous tree
Cranky streets
Chipped beef
The world according to freedom
Pestolozzi's revenge
The spy who came in from delgado
Freedom's last stand
Of mouse and man
Zen and the art of law enforcement
The young, the beautiful and the degraded
Some like it hot-wired
Personal foul
The shooter
Invasion of the third world body snatchers
Trial by fury
Domestic beef
Heat rash
Rain of terror
Officer of the year
Stan the man
Little boil blue
Requiem for a hairbag
A hair of the dog
Phantom of the hill
No body's perfect
Gung ho
Moon over uranus
Moon over uranus: the sequel
Moon over uranus: the final legacy
The belles of st. marys
Life in the minors
Eugene's comedy empire strikes back
Spotlight on rico
Buddy, can you spare a heart?
A hill of beans
Here's adventure, here's romance
Ba-bing, ba-bing
The long law of the arm
Death by kiki
Doris in wonderland
Praise dilaudid
Goodbye, mr. scripps
Midway to what?
Honk if you're a goose
The russians are coming
Ratman and bobbin
Nichols from heaven
Fuchs me? fuchs you!
Grace under pressure
The other side of oneness
Parting is such sweep sorrow
The end of logan's run
The count of monty tasco
Nutcracker suite
Hair apparent
Lucky ducks
Eva's brawn
Mayo, hold the pickle
Watt a way to go
Rookie nookie
Fowl play
Bangladesh slowly
Ewe and me, babe
Blues for mr. green
Fuched again
Low blow
The rise and fall of paul the wall
Last chance salon
Intestinal fortitude
Of human garbage
Dr. hoof and mouth
Davenport in a storm
Washington deceased
Passage to libya
El capitan
The life and time of dominic florio jr.
Queen for a day
You're in alice's
Grin and bear it
Blues in the night
Hacked to pieces
Seoul on ice
In the belly of the bus
Somewhere over the rambo
Oh, you kid
An oy for an oy
Fathers and huns
What are friends for?
The virgin and the turkey
Two easy pieces
Say it as it plays
Das blues
Scales of justice
I want my hill street blues
Remembrance of hits past
Larry of arabia
Iced coffey
Jagga the hunk
Look homeward, ninja
Slum enchanted evening
Come and get it
A case of klapp
The best defense
Bald ambition
I come on my knees
Say uncle
Amazing grace
Falling from grace
Fathers and guns
More skinned against than skinning
She's so fein
A wasted weekend
City of refuse
Der roachenkavalier
Norman conquest
Sorry, wrong number
The cookie crumbles
Dogsbreath afternoon
Days of swine and roses
The runner falls on his kisser
A pound of flesh
It ain't over till it's over
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