In a busy trade city, item engineer Leicester Maycraft’s guild of adventurers—Oasis—gathers to watch a meteor shower. After one of the falling stars crashes into the cathedral, Maycraft discovers a sleeping girl who carries a mysterious message. When she wakes up—his life takes an adventurous turn!
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Issho ni bath time: carina version
Issho ni bath time: minette version
Issho ni bath time: chelsea version
Issho ni bath time: agnes version
Issho ni bath time: ritos & salsa version
Issho ni bath time: all together version
Night of the meteor shower
The world of dragons
The staff of bonds
Within the darkness
Day off for oasis
Night of the party
The forest of dolls
The eighth episode! everyone gets together!
An unusual omen
Minette's choice
Differing thoughts
Blessing of the campanella
NextFilm 2025