It’s 1990-something, and since Lainey still hasn’t achieved rock ‘n’ roll greatness, she returns to William Penn Academy as the new music teacher.
Be like mike
Lainey's all that
Tamagotchis and bells
I, mellor
Money for rent
Rocks for jocks
Kris kross
Lainey and erica's high school reunion
Darth mellor
There's no fighting in fight club
Glascott mascot
Cb likes lainey
Dr. barry
Dangerous minds
I'll be there for you
The rudy-ing of toby murphy
Kick like a girl
Run, rick, run
Hakuna matata
The pokémon society
Beanie babies
Boy bands
Titanic love
Singled out
Moving on
Rock star
Garden party
Lainey's mom
Principal for a day
Cb saves the planet
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