This series reveals worlds never seen before; stunning CGI animation peels back the layers, revealing alien landscapes of fragile lava caves, roiling plasma seas, cosmic platinum mines, and the hungry black hole at the center of our galaxy – cosmological wonders that play a surprising role defining our place in the universe.
Secrets of the black hole
Inside the sun
Killer asteroids
Expedition mars
Alien worlds
Hunting a comet
Supermassive black holes
Extreme stars
Hunt for the big bang
Jupiter: the sun's secret twin
Mystery of the hidden universe
Solar system: hunt for the missing planet
Mystery of the alien asteroid
Hunt for the missing black holes
The moon's dark secret
Inside saturn's rings
Secret history of the solar system
Inside mega space storms
Secrets of the alien megastructure
Hunt for the missing moons
Pluto's strange secrets revealed
Hunting the holographic universe
Mission to mars
Hunting white holes
Mystery of the milky way
Jupiter: secrets of the solar system
Secrets of the asteroids
Inside space's great wall
Mystery of the dead planets
Mystery of the giant ice planets
NextFilm 2025