John Callahan's Quads! is a Canada-Australia co-production cartoon, based upon work of John Callahan. The show aired on Canada's Teletoon, on Australia's SBS, and in Latin America on Adult Swim. It is noted for being one of the first shows animated completely using Macromedia Flash software. It is produced by Animation Works, Nelvana, Media World Features, SBS Independent and Film Victoria, with support from ScreenWest and the Lotteries Commission of Western Australia. It is a Teletoon Original Production and was first aired on Teletoon on February 3, 2001. It is also viewable on Rogers Kids On Demand. The misadventures of recently paralyzed man and his equally handicapped friends.
Maimed manor
Bad manors
The fraud quad
Christmas holidaze
Lifewheel 3000
Gonads faust
Monkey in the middle
The son's also blinded
Guinea pigs
The unkindest cut
Fatal distraction
Spalding in the family way
The church of riley
Vacation to lesbos
Midnight cash cowboy
Trial and error
Gray matter
The magnificent severed
Griz savant
Heaven can bite me
The gambling bug
Cripple challenge
Cain and enabler
To slash or not to slash
Let the gimp games begin
NextFilm 2025