Yataro Sarumaru, nicknamed "Saru" is an average high school boy who daydreams about idols but otherwise has no luck with girls. While working with his father, a locksmith in Asakusa, Tokyo, he has gained exceptional skills to pick just about any lock. Using his exceptional skills, Yataro then finds himself solving various mysterious cases, while also trying his luck with the girls.
Can't find providers
H de obaka na natsu
Kagiake kiki ippatsu
Mizugi gyaru to seishun
Shindemo tasukeru!
Wana ni ochita junjô
Kyôfu joshikô no kaidan
Nerawareta joshi kôsei
Tôsatsu no nazo o oe
Kanzen hanzai o yabure
Kecchaku! akuma no sentaku
Wana ni ochita saru
Inran nâsu tôjô
Sennai bakuha 10 byô mae!
NextFilm 2025