The adventures of the ancient hero in his youth.
The treasure of zeus (1)
Between friends: the treasure of zeus (2)
What a crockery: the treasure of zeus (3)
Herc and seek
Girl trouble
Teacher's pests
Inn trouble
Keeping up with the jasons
Amazon grace
Cyrano de hercules
Battle lines (1)
Battle lines (2)
No way out
Ares on trial
Down and out in academy hills
Winner take all
A serpent's tooth
The lure of the lyre
Lyre, liar
A lady in hades
The mysteries of life
Dad always liked me best
Herc's nemesis
Cold feet
Mommy dearests
In your dreams
Golden bow
Home for the holidays
Con ares
Get jason
My fair lilith
Hind sight
The head that wears the crown
Me, myself and eye
The skeptic
Iolaus goes stag
Adventures in the forbidden zone
The prize
The beasts beneath
Parents' day
A life for a life
Under seige
Ill wind
Valley of the shadow
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