The adventures of Freakazoid, a manic, insane superhero who battles with an array of super villains.
Freakazoid: the original freak
Freakazoid-less freakazoid promos
Liebeslied für normadeus
A full season's worth of commentaries (in five minutes or less)
Teen titans go! s06e33: huggbees
Alternate episode: the cloud / candle jack
Five day forecast/dance of doom/hand man
Candle jack/toby danger in doomsday bet/the lobe
Mo-ron / the sewer rescue / the big question / the legends who lunch
And fan boy is his name / lawn gnomes chapter iv: fun in the sun / freak's french lesson
Foamy the freakadog / office visit / ode to leonard nimoy / emergency broadcast system / cönversational nörwegian
The chip (acts i - iii)
The chip (act iv) / freakazoid is history
Hot rods from heck / a time for evil
Relax-o-vision / fatman and boy blubber / limbo lock-up / terror palace
In arm's way / the cloud
Next time, phone ahead / nerdator
House of freakazoid / sewer or later
The wrath of guitierrez
Dexter's date
The freakazoid
Mission: freakazoid
Virtual freak
Hero boy
A matter of love
Island of dr. mystico
Two against freak
Freak-a-panel / tomb of invisibo
NextFilm 2025