Tatsumiyajima is the central island in the middle of a small cluster of islands, in a sleepy backwater of the Japanese isles. Not much happens there, and the island's young people go to school knowing that their lives are likely to remain peaceful and undisturbed. Or so they have been taught...but the truth is different. The fate of mankind is on the line, and Tatsumiyajima is the last line of defense against a hostile and incomprehensible enemy. At the center of it all, fighting for Humanity's continued existence, is the giant robot Fafner, the dragon that guards this final treasure of mankind.
Right of left
Arcadian memory 1
Arcadian memory 2
Heaven and earth
Symbiosis (the final battle) (bd ver)
The sky (azure) (bd ver)
Paradise ~ the beginning
Confession ~ life
Labyrinth ~ truth
Escape ~ departure
Promise ~ pledge
Soaring sky ~ sacrifice
Family ~ parents and children
Strife ~ kouyou
Assimilation ~ parting
Disintegration ~ crossing paths
Old & new ~ the neo u.n. force
Absence ~ desperation
Erosion ~ festum
Awakening ~ occupation
Memory ~ scream
Friends ~ welcome home
Survival ~ device
Father ~ memory
Maya ~ sight
Lantern ~ light
Sakura ~ future
Protection ~ power
Pillage ~ decoy
Conversation ~ mir
Azure ~ the sky
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