Three millennia after the first invasion of the Space Pirates Barban, a new set of Gingamen — Hyuuga, Gouki, Hayate, Hikaru, Saya — have been selected to protect the Earth. That is, unless the Barban are able to disrupt the ceremony!
Gingaman henshin series cm
Gingaman henshin series cm 2
Gingaman henshin series cm 3
Gingaman henshin series cm 4
Bull riot & zyusoukou cm
Dx gingaioh cm
Dx gingaioh cm 2
Dx gingaioh cm 3
Dx bulltaurus cm
Gingaman power up campaign cm
Dx gigarhinos & gigabitus cm
Dx gigarhinos, gigaphoenix, & gigabitus cm
The legendary blades
The starbeasts' return
The earth's wisdom
The earth's heart
The sure-kill fang
The starbeasts' crisis
Time of revival
Love's culinary
Secret kitten
The wind's flute
A warrior's devotion
Nightmare reunited
Beast attack rehearsal
Two sayas
Terrifying hiccups
Homeland of the heart
True courage
The mysterious black knight
The vengeful knight
The one-man battle
The tomato's trial
Appearance of light
End of the contest
Budou's tenacity
The black knight's determination
Brothers of flame
The mummy's allure
Papa's sudden change
Dark merchant
Steel starbeasts
Cursed stone
The mobile horse of friendship
Yearning for saya
Invulnerable iliess
Gouki's choice
Invincible haruhiko
Bucrates' ambition
Hyuuga's determination
The heart's massage
The majin of sadness
The demon-beast's revival
The horrible demon-beast
Legendary footprints
Earth's demon-beast
The fairy's tears
Winds of rage
The demon's scheme
Moak's end
The miraculous mountain
Tomorrow's legends
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