Omnibus is an American, commercially sponsored, educational television series.
Life, the universe, and douglas adams
The trial of anne boleyn
Mr. lincoln: part 1
The twelve pound look
Mr. lincoln: part 2
The trial of ben jonson
Mr. lincoln: part 3
The trial of mr. pickwick
My brother henry
Man in the cool
Mr. lincoln: part 4
While the tide was rising
Die fledermaus
Mr. lincoln: part 5
The love story of napoleon and josephine
La boheme
The happy journey
A lodging for the night
The last night of don juan
Three maidens and the devil
Lord byron's love letter
Grandma moses
Toy symphone with stokowski
Midnight ride of paul revere
A tale of two cities
Arms and the man
The figgerin' of aunt wilma
This little kitty stayed cool
Glory in the flower
The battler
King lear
The golden dress
Billy the kid
The raspberry queen
The horn blows at midnight
Capital of the world
The nature of the beast
Mom and leo
The sojourner
Nobody's fool
The remarkable case of mr. buhl
The duchess and the smugs
Nothing so monstrous
Sleeping beauty in the woods
The confidential clerk
A time out of war
Hilde and the turnpike
The house
Three sketches
Tell me if it hurts
The apollo of bellac
Treadmill to oblivion
The man who married a dumb wife
Young man in politics
Brewsie and willie
Beethoven's fifth symphony
The virtuous island
A maine lobsterman
The contrast
The second shepherds' play
The merry widow
The trial of st. joan
The adams family
H.m.s. pinafore (i)
John quincy adams
Mr. lincoln
The turn of the screw
The new world
The life and times of henry adams and charles francis adams, jr.
The mighty casey
A different drummer
Henry adams
The four flags of the confederacy
Uncle tom's cabin
The birth of modern times
The jazz world
The adams house
Toby and the tall corn
American boyhoods, captain john m. ellicott
She stoops to conquer
The art of conducting.
The royal game
The royal game
The best year in the history of the whole world
Dear brutus
The great forgery
Episode 15
Minds over manners
One nation
Mr lincoln
One nation indivisible
The art of ballet
With liberty and justice for all
The better half
Harvard university remote
The court martial of billy mitchell
The american musical comedy
Androcles and the lion
The last day of manolete
My heart's in the highlands
Let there be farce
Moliere's school for wives
Plays of the irish renaissance
The blue hotel
A man without a country
The fine art of murder
The christmas tie
Madeline visits omnibus
The art of choreography
Oedipus, the king
Introduction to modern music
Lee at gettysburg
The big wheel: the burlesque entertainment of yesterday
The theatre breaks loose
The trial of captain kidd
How the f-100 got its tail
The fall river legend: the trial of lizzie borden
The music of johann sebastian bach
School for wives
American trial by jury
Life of samuel johnson
The suburban review
The young people's concert
La perichole
Moment of truth
Mrs. mcthing
Bernstein looks at opera
The lady's not for burning
The reindeer men
Bernstein in israel
Capital punishment
The submariners
The so-called human race
The empty chair
Dancing, a man's game
Prince orestes
Malice in wonderland
Abraham lincoln - the early years
The medium
Ah sweet mystery of mrs. murphy
Forty-five minutes from broadway
Power among men
The strange ordeal of normandier
Professor tim
H.m.s. pinafore (ii)
He shall have power
A midwinter night's dream
Robert altman in england
Suburban revue
S. j. perelman's paean to burlesque
Arthur miller plays
Western hemisphere 1971
NextFilm 2025