The series stars Gary Coleman and Todd Bridges as Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African American boys from Harlem who are taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman named Phillip Drummond and his daughter Kimberly, for whom their deceased mother previously worked. During the first season and first half of the second season, Charlotte Rae also starred as the Drummonds' housekeeper, Mrs. Garrett.
Can't find providers
A look back at diff'rent strokes
Whatchoo talkin bout
Movin' in
The social worker
Mother's last visit
Prep school
The spanking
Goodbye dolly
The trial
Retrospective (1)
Retrospective (2)
The fight
The club meeting
The woman
No time for arnold
The relative
The tutor
The new landlord
Willis' privacy
Mrs. garrett's crisis
The job (a.k.a.) willis' job
The trip (i)
The trip (2)
Getting involved
Willis' birthday
The girls school (a.k.a.) garrett's girls
Arnold's girlfriend (1)
Arnold's girlfriend (2)
Feudin' and fussin' (i)
Feudin' and fussin' (2)
Mrs. garrett's romance
Birds and bees
Arnold's hero (a.k.a.) the hero
The adoption (1)
The adoption (2)
Father and son day
Thanksgiving crossover (i)
Thanksgiving crossover (2)
The rivals
Hot watch
The dog story (a.k.a.) a dog story
The election
Poor drummond
Big business
Return of the gooch
Valentine's day retrospective (a.k.a.) valentine's vigil
Skin deep or true blue (a.k.a.) guess who?
Teacher's pet
The slumber party
Arnold faces fatality (a.k.a.) the will (a.k.a.) drummond's will
The squealer
The bank job (1)
The bank job (2)
Small claims court
Substitute mother
The accident (1)
The accident (2)
Little mother
Football father
First love
Count your blessings
The loan
Junk food junkie (a.k.a.) junk food
The bus
The older man
Where there's hope
The magician (a.k.a.) it's magic
Drummond's fair lady
The ancestors
Almost american
Room for one more
The athlete
Growing up
First day blues
The model
The team
The big heist
Double date (a.k.a.) blind date
The ski weekend
Health club
Burial ground
Hello, daddy
The squatter
The car
Crime story (part 1) (a.k.a.) crime in the schools
Crime story (part 2) (a.k.a.) crime in the schools
Green hair
Have i got a girl for you
Stress? what stress?
The music man
Short but sweet
On your toes
Shoot-out at the o.k. arcade
In the swim
Cyrano de jackson
Big brother
The peacemaker
Substitute teacher
The older woman
A case of overexposure (a.k.a.) overexposure
Push comes to shove
The executives
Santa's helper
A growing problem
Parents have rights, too
Independent woman
The bicycle man (1)
The bicycle man (2)
Family on ice
Hall monitor
The cricket
The reporter
Romeo and juliet
My fair larry (a.k.a.) my fair lady
Mr. t and mr. t
The goat
Rashomon ii
The lie
The van drummonds
The moonlighter
Coming of age
Assert yourself
Mrs. z
The senior class queen
Where there's smoke
Drummond's lady
The hitchhikers (1) (a.k.a.) hitchhiking (1)
The hitchhikers (2) (a.k.a.) hitchhiking (2)
Hooray for hollywood (1)
Hooray for hollywood (2)
The wedding (1)
The wedding (2)
The honeymoon's over
The bar mitzvah boy
Kathy's olympics
The houseguest
The boyfriend
A haunting we will go
Arnold and lisa's mother
Undercover lover
Arnold's strike
Sam's father
Carmella meets the gooch
Arnold the entrepreneur
The honorable arnold j. jackson
The gymnasts
Arnold's songbird
Baseball blues
Arnold saves the squirrel
Sam adopts a grandparent
Harry birthday drummond
Sam's new pal
Russian embassy
Cheers to arnold
A camping we will go
Beauty is in the eye of arnold
Blue collar drummond
Street smarts
A special friend
Sam's missing (1)
Sam's missing (2)
Bully for arnold
Love on the run
Willis goes to college
Arnold's job
A tale of two teachers
So you want to be a rock star
Speak no evil
Arnold's bad rep
It's my party and i'll cry if i want to
Arnold's initiation
Sam's big brother
Arnold's tangled web
Lifestyles of the poor and unknown
The big bribe
The photo club
The front page
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