Twin pecs
Who's afraid of thomas wolfe?
The 10% solution
Jake and the no. 2 pencil
Dinner for eight
The world of mrs. fong
Dress blues
The prodigal dad
What's opera jake?
What's wrong with this picture?
The rise and fall of vito parchesi
They call me mello cello
A dreidel spins in brooklyn
Jake's date
The grocer always rings twice
Stop me before i paint again
Todd's feast
Didn't you used to be somebody else?
Marriage 101
The once and future kings
They shoot social workers, don't they?
Remodeling with the enemy
Roberta's flak
Six characters in search of a catcher's mitt
They're not booin', they're louin'
Two guys from brooklyn
Dressed to thrill
The old man and the c
Friends and big women
It came from social services
An immovable feast
Romeo, juliet, jake & jill
The boys from near syracuse
Open season
Bohemian rhapsody
True lou
The son also rises
Five easy steps
The song and dance man
Presumed guilty
Who's sorry now?
Goodbye ms. phipps
Snap decisions
Surprise, no party
Louis armstrong slept here
Just a gigolo
Tis a pity she's a grouch
Fathers and sons
The unbearable politeness of being
Symbolic gesture
Jake's next date
As time goes by
The importance of being ernest
The mousetrap
Enemies: a love story
It's all in your family
The apes of wrath
A league of his own
Guess who's going to dinner
Front window
Rebirth of a salesman
Cyrano domedian
Burma shave
The chocolate bear war
Loneliness of the long distance kateri
Desperately seeking daryl
Coup for two
Tinker, tailor, soldier, bubba
The buddy system
Embrace you
Never on a sundae
Rain men
Requiem for a heavyworld
I'll be sick for christmas
The not read for prime time player
The turkey and i
The lost detail
And baby makes two
How i got into college
Lomax: a suitable case for treatmen
The don is done
The charade's the thing
Betty blue
My own private dakota park
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