Power heroes Catboy, Owlette and Gekko are joined by new heroes, creating a bigger, even better team. Good thing, too, as new villains are in town. Our heroes will take them on in the City, space and the frozen wilderness of Iceworld. As Catboy says, “If badness is everywhere, we’ll be everywhere.
Heroes everywhere
The whiff of badness
An yu's birthday
Newton's new asteroid
Moon music
I scream for wolfies
An yu and the gekkos
Pirate ice storm
Iceworld (1)
Iceworld (2)
It's a cat thing
The dance of two cats
Space fairy hero
Lilyfay and the lake
Luna the sun girl
Cats on wheels
Heroes of iceworld
Gloop the third (1)
Gloop the third (2)
Wolfy riders
Gekko muscles in
The christmas ninjalinos (1)
The christmas ninjalinos (2)
The super gloopster
Gloop in the moat
Pharaoh's mountain
Robot the hero
Heroes of space
Let it howl
Wolfy treasure hunt
Bastet by the book
Moth boy
The curse of armadylan
Flashcar on the moon
Catboy's tiny problem
The sun factory
Catboy does it all
The catastrophe stone
The legend of moon pirate
Return to planet gloop (1)
Return to planet gloop (2)
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