Drama series about life on the wards of Holby City Hospital, following the highs and lows of the staff and patients.
Can't find providers
Whose heart is it anyway?
Happy families
Kill or cure
Love and death
Never judge a book...
Brave heart
Take me with you
Staying alive - part 1
Staying alive - part 2
Search for the hero
Puppy love
Destination unknown
You can choose your friends
Knife edge
Tidings of comfort and joy
Chasing the dragon
A marriage of convenience
A life worth saving
Staying out
Letting go
Taking it on the chin
Into the woods
The deep end
Too much too young
The real thing
First impressions
Against all odds
Moving on
The trouble with the truth
A christmas carol: part 1
A christmas carol: part 2
Anyone who had a heart
Extra time
Night shift
Winner takes all
Silent witness
Tip of the iceberg
Borrowed time
Private lives, public faces
Family ties
Snakes and ladders
A change is gonna come
Going gently
I'm not in love
Getting even
The mourning after
New beginnings
Hearts and flowers
The road less travelled
Rogue males
Men are from mars...
Things can only get better
Reflected truth
Starting over
Mother knows best
Forgiveness of sins
Woman in the dark
It's a family affair
'twas the night...
Shadow of a doubt (1)
Shadow of a doubt (2)
Hello goodbye
Life goes on
All my sins
Secrets and lies
The love that binds
Choose life
To have and have not
Fathers and sons
Cruel to be kind
Change of heart
We band of brothers
Letting go
Second chances
Hearts and minds
Lives worth living
Touch and go
Coming home
Sweet love remembered
Calculated risks
Taking cover
Love and devotion
High risk
Winner takes it all
From this moment on
Design for living
Judas kiss (1)
Judas kiss (2)
New hearts, old scores
Pawns in the game
A second chance
The private sector
Pills and frills
Last chances
Perfect day
Depths of devotion
Facing facts
Long day's night
Lear's children
Old friends
Ladies night
Every cloud...
Leopard spots
Sinners and saints
Sins of the father
Time to kill
Hair of the dog
Me and my gal
A right to know
'til death us do part
Beneath the skin
A kind of loving
Dominoes falling
When that shark bites
One of our own
For better, for worse
A tear in my eye
As the day is long
The one you love (1)
The one you love (2)
Desperate measures
Glass half empty
Going it alone
By any other name
Think again
Seasons in the sun
Mum's the word
Private lives
Can't always get what you want
Loss of faith
Crossing the line
Eyes wide open
The parent trap
Carpe diem
On the inside
House of cards
To err is human
All that you leave behind
A friend in need
Love nor money
Just getting by
Accidents will happen
Read my lips
End of the line
Trick or treat
Know when to fold
Keep it in the family
The devil you know
Sixty minutes
Oedipus wrecks
Full circle
In the bleak midwinter
Never can say goodbye
All the king's men
A twist of fate
The buck stops here
Forgive and forget
You can choose your friends
What he would have wanted
Honour thy father
Kindness of strangers
The heart of the matter
Baptism of fire
Under pressure
Pastures new
Past caring
When lightning strikes twice
In the line of fire
Night fever
Out of control
The eleventh commandment
If you can't do the time
Striking a chord
In at the deep end
We'll meet again
Holding on
Letting go
Conflict of interest
Inside out
While the cat's away...
Under the thumb
Hard lesson to learn
One more chance
Truth will out
Smoke and mirrors
Thicker than water
Time waits for no man
A knight's tale
Wants and needs
Great expectations
Happy families
Best intentions
Win some, lose some
Braver soul than i
One is the loneliest number
A sense of guilt
Moment of truth
Playing with fire
A good day to bury bad news
Elf and happiness
Casualty@holby city (2)
Seven days later
Actions speak louder
War and peace
Live and let die
Thin ice
Stick or twist
Chain reaction
Another car wreck
Total recall
Love and marriage
Be careful what you wish for
Shock to the heart
The honeymoon is over
It's kinda rock 'n' roll
Not just a river in egypt
Damage limitations
No pain, no gain
Losing control
Something is in the air
Love, life and loss
Pleasant surprises
If it ain't broke
Rat race
Tuesday's child
Ostrich mode
Home is where the hurt is
Best laid plans
Soft centred
The innocents (1)
The innocents (2)
Thinking outside the box
View from the side line
Great expectations
Family planning
All the perfume in arabia
Days of repentance
Do the right thing
The outsiders
Test your metal/a great leap forward
Crimes and misdemeanours
More equal than others
Butterfly effect
Bird on a wire
Learning curve
Comfort of strangers
Prometheus unbound
The long goodbye
Deny thy father (2)
Mother love
Pride before a fall
Yesterday once more
Brother's keeper
I'll be back
Flight of the bumblebee
Out on a limb
We gave her all our love
Into your own hands
Let it shine
Leap in the dark
Snake in the grass
Passing on
Quality time
Judge not, lest ye be judged
Short cuts
Lead us not into temptation
Games of chance
One tender kiss
Promises to keep
The truth will out
Extreme measures
I am not what i am
Looking after number one
Team holby
Horses to water
Bad blood
Nothing ventured nothing lost
Better the devil you know
Star maker
Just another day
Now or never
Taking liberties
If the heart lies
Before a fall
Shot in the dark
Fly me to the moon
Sins of the fathers
One for my baby
The unforgiven
It's been a long day
The bitterest pill
Crossing the line
The good fight
The very thought of you
I know thee knot
The games people play
The end of the world as we know it
Face value
Feast or famine
Into the dark
Blood ties
I feel pretty
Can't buy me love
The borders of sleep
What lies beneath
Is there something i should know?
Paranoid android
For whom the bell tolls
Leap of faith
Deep dark truthful mirror
After the fall
The human jungle
An affair to forget
Another country
Close relations
Something's gotta give
Past imperfect
Under the radar
The long and winding road
Episode 41
Temporary insanity
Bad reputation
Damned if you do
Old wounds
Guilt by association
Friends reunited
Trial and retribution
Lovers and madmen
My aim is true
Duty of care - part one
Duty of care part two
Bitter from the sweet
The last throw
No-one likes a cry baby
The apprentice
Dust off your wings
Unfinished symphony
Someone to watch over me
Mirror man
The reckoning
Into the void
Elliot's wonderful life
For your consideration
Queen of hearts
Physician, heal thyself
The key is fear
Final cut
The extra mile
Complications ensue
On a mission
We serve all who come to us
No cars go
Long dark night
12 hour nightmare
Love will tear us apart
All this useless beauty
Pants on fire
You're so vain
The softest music
Battle of who could care less
Any port in a storm
Send no flowers
Natural justice
Love you
Doctor's dilemma
New lands, new beginnings
Change of heart
Only believe
Crossing borders
On the brink
You do it to yourself
Eighteen and a half
The devil and the deep blue sea
Hope, faith and charity
To govern a kingdom
Whatever it takes
Separate lives
Leave it to god
No breaks on the midnight express part 1
No breaks on the midnight express part 2
Mad world
Or i'll never fall in love
Labour of love
We said some things
Cutting the cord
The weaker sex
About last night
Sweet bitter love
This be the verse
Maria's christmas carol
Not in the stars
No word of farewell
A clean slate
Breaking news
Tough love
Truth and mercy
Take her breath away
Feet of clay
Coming back to bite you
Breathe deeply
Locked away
Careful what you wish for
Too much to ask
No legacy so rich
Running on empty
Smoke and mirrors
Mirror, mirror
Seeing other people
Just a perfect day
What will survive of us
Proceed with caution
The honeymoon's over
Smoke without fire
Your cheating heart
Body language
A glass half full
Future perfect
My girl
These arms of mine
The blind side
Long day's night
Out of the woods
The cost of loving
The uncertainty principle
The spirit dancing
The hands that rock the cradle, part 1
The hands that rock the cradle, part 2
Myself, coming back
The professionals
Home truths
To have and to hold
Break away
And that's what really hurts
Now we are lonely
Too close for comfort
Stand by me
Talk to me
A glorious reunion
Stop all the clocks
...and the devil makes three
Too cold to crash and burn
Downstairs upstairs
Together alone
The butterfly effect - part 1
The butterfly effect - part 2
Faith no more
Tipping point
Enemies closer
For the greater good
Bette davis eyes
X-y factor
What goes around
Apply some pressure
Take no prisoners
Time and tide - part 1
Time and tide - part 2
Brutally frank
Taking over
Cross my heart
Thursday's child
Fool's gold
Swimming with sharks
Secrets you keep
All cried out
Two in five marriages
Man with no name
Skipping a beat
'til the grave
The last day of summer
Get busy living
A failure to communicate
Test results
Long night's journey into day
Misfit love
The short straw
Tough, love
Queen's gambit
My no.1 fan
Future shock
Losing game
The lying kind
The most wonderful time of the year
Snow queens
Running the gauntlet
China in your hands
My hero
Don't go changing
Love thy neighbour
Anger management
Blue valentine
Open your heart
No credit, no blame
What you mean by home
Too much monkey business
Clash of the titans
Second coming
Coming second
Boy valentine, girl valentine
Crossing the line
Tunnel vision
My bad
Step on up
A greater good
Damage control
Rescue me
All about me
In between days
The bottom line
Out on a limb
Hand in glove
Going it alone
Old habits
Walk the line
One of those days
All good things
Big lies, little lies
Who needs enemies
Night cover
Everything to play for
Oliver twists
Ps elliot
Keep on keeping on
Culture shock
Under the skin
Devil in the detail
No shortcuts
See you on the ice
The hand that bites
Personal injury
Half empty
Wise men
When the hangover strikes
Hide your love away
She's electric
Here and now
The best man
What you wish for
Fight the good fight
Fresh blood
The ties that bind
Eastern promise
Got no strings
Throw in the towel
Half a person
A woman's work
Wolf's clothing
Double bubble
Kids' stuff
Last day on earth
Unsafe haven - part 1
Unsafe haven - part 2
Long way down
Stepping up to the plate
Only you
Last man standing
From here to maternity
Crimes and misdemeanours
You and me
The devil will come
Taxi for spence
I'm sticking with you
Devil's dance
A crack in the ice
Hold on me
Blood money
When sacha met chrissie
The third way
Chasing demons
Follow my leader
If not for you
To absent friends
Hail caesar
After the party
How lo can you go
Fault lines
Through the darkness
And we banish shade
Blood ties
Push the button - part 1
Push the button - part 2
The waiting game
Spence's choice - part 1
Spence's choice - part 2
Ask me no questions
Recovery position
Not aaron
Holby's got torment
Journey's end
The end of the beginning
Promises, promises
Great expectations
Second life
Time has told me
Only human
The more deceived
Divided we fall
Back from the dead
All tomorrow's parties
Follow the yellow brick road
The journey home
Mens sana in corpore sano
Make or break
A night's tale
Never let me go
Digby dog
Old wounds
All at sea
Good day for bad news
Point of impact
The kick inside
Contra mundum
The cost of loving
Like a prayer
If i needed someone
Friends like you
Flesh is weak
Last dance
Arthur's theme
Sink or swim
Fait accompli
Heart of hope
Father's day
All i want for christmas is you
Ring in the new
Self control
Life after life
Prince among men
Things we lost in the fire
Eat your heart out
Anything you can do
Exit strategy - part one
Exit strategy - part two
Green ink
The cruellest month
The win
Cold heart, warm hands
Battle lines
Wild child
My name is joe
No apologies
Keeping mum
Little star
Every dog has its day
All before them
The spirit...
A heart man
One small step
Affair of the mind
Star crossed lovers
The art of losing
Going, going...
The looking glass
Forgive me father
Mummy dearest
Inside out
True colours
Not waving but drowning
Bounce back
The science of imaginary solutions
Chaos in her wings
'we must remember this'
Flesh and blood
I am what i am not
Star of wonder
I will honour christmas in my heart
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
Brand new you
Wages of sin
Sucker punch
Good girls don't lie
The beat goes on
Love divided by three
Be bold, be bold
Domino effect
Trust in me
We have technology
Rock and a hard place
The last time i saw you
Squeeze the pips
Go the distance
All about evie
Small disappointments
The ides of march
All coming back to me now
Tug of love
When a man loves a woman
The children of lovers
Spiral staircases
Losing control of the wheel
Beneath a mask
Family fortunes
Return to innocence
A good man
Speak true
Man of conscience
An eye for an eye
At first i was afraid
Cover story
Ever after
The sticky mess of being
Cover up
Calling time
What it takes
Left behind
Beneath the cover
A delicate truth
In which we serve
Skin and blister
Bad blood, fake snow
Blue christmas
Young hearts, run free
The hope that kills
Sins of our fathers
Kiss and tell
A partnership, literally
All that glitters
All fall down
One under
On the ropes
Where we belong
Who you are
A friend in need
Handle with care
Dark night of the soul
Prioritise the heart
Out of sight out of mind
The coward's way
It tolls for thee
Running out
When i grow up
The sky is falling
I'll walk you home
Missing you already
The lone ranger
Another day in paradise: part one
Another day in paradise: part two
Children of men
A perfect life
From bournemouth with love
Back in the ring
Little acorns
Protect and serve
Brave new world
Say a little prayer
Emotionally yours
Life in the freezer
Snakes and ladders
Into the abyss
Rocket man
Black dog
Somebody to love
Song of self, part one
Song of self, part two
The kill list
Glass houses
The nightmare before christmas
Just get on with it
I do, i do, i do
Aces high
Stick or twist
Of lions and lambs
Losing game
Four letter word
What we pretend to be
The price we pay
Other people's dreams
The hangover
Growing pains
It's only love if it hurts
Someone to look after me
Past imperfect
Two hearts
Gold star
The heart is a small thing
Project aurous
Twist of the knife
The hard way home
For the love of maureen
For you may be the next to die...
Paper wishes
Keeping the faith
Sleep well
Going the distance
The evolution of woman
Go ugly early
Calm before the storm
Wildest dreams
Keep on running
How loud it is
The man who sold the world
Veil of tears - part one
Veil of tears - part two
Left behind
The coming storm
Thicker than water
Things left unsaid
Know yourself, know your enemy
Kingdom come
It has to be now
Hungry heart
Hiding places
Group animal, part one
Group animal, part two
We need to talk about fredrik
Always forever
The prisoner
Ready or not
There by the grace of...
Hanssen is as hanssen does
One day at a time
Not your home now
Hard day's night
Square one
The l word
No matter where you go, there you are – part one
No matter where you go, there you are – part two
Tete a tate
Tate gallery
New ain't all it's cracked up to be
The way we were
Bubble wrap
Blind spot
Only a word
None but the brave
Primum non nocere - part one
Primum non nocere - part two
Fallen idol
The anniversary waltz
Into the light
The friend zone
Two for joy
Child in your shadow
All business
Man down
Keep your friends close
All lies lead to the truth
One man and his god
The three musketeers
Too good to be true
The family you choose
Report to the mirror - part one
Report to the mirror - part two
One of us
Hold my hand
Love is
The right sort of animal
Family ties
Best christmas ever
Everything old is new again
China crisis
The burden of proof
A daring adventure or nothing at all
Mad as hell
Force majeure
Good side
Never say never
A simple lie, part 1
A simple lie, part two
Ask no questions
The family way
North and south
Pleased to meet you
Vinegar and honey
Ex marks the spot
The wrong horse
In the right place
Over my dead body
Kiss kiss
Flying solo
Don't leave me
Things my mother told me
When worlds collide
Work-life balance
Where does it hurt?
Babysitters and bystanders
The perfect storm
Gods and monsters
Circle of life
Divine justice
This be the verse
Hope is a powerful drug
Hubble bubble
Remember, remember
Sandra's choice
We are all the stars
Blurring the lines
Bell jar
Be true, be brave, be kind
Mothers and their daughters
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50
NextFilm 2025