Spilt Milk (2016)

A short film that follows the story of Scarlett, a troubled young girl who finds a best friend in Frankie; a kind-hearted boy who comes to her aid. Their friendship blossoms into a unrequited love story in which we follow Scarlett (aged sixteen) as her feelings for Frankie have developed, all leading up to the event of their high school prom. Unfortunately for Scarlett prom doesn't quite live up to her expectations and her future with Frankie is left uncertain.


Spilt Milk

Casting arrow_drop_down

Lucy Chappell
Lucy Chappell
as Scarlett
Tom Rhys Harries
Tom Rhys Harries
as Frankie
Bobby Schofield
Bobby Schofield
as Freddy

Crew arrow_drop_down

James Dunstan
James Dunstan
Dillon Beagley
Dillon Beagley

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