A tale of juvenile delinquency, about a high-school student neglecting his studies, partying hard, falling in with the wrong crowd and finally finding himself on trial for murder committed during a robbery.
Casting arrow_drop_down
Eric Linden as Edward Brand
Beryl Mercer as Mrs. Martin
Rochelle Hudson as Mary
Arline Judge as Flo Carnes
Billy Butts as Bobby Brand
Ben Alexander as Nicholas 'Nick' Crosby
Mary Kornman as Agnes "Dumbbell"
William Orlamond as Heinrich 'Heinie' Krantz
Roberta Gale as Maybelle "Giggles"
Robert Quirk as Bennie Gray (as Bobby Quirk)
Reginald Barlow as Judge
Lita Chevret as Minor Role
Edward Churchill as Minor Role
Frank Fanning as Policeman in Courtroom
Ralf Harolde as Prosecutor
Tom Herbert as Member of Prosecuting Attorney's Staff